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  • We're a prize management agency that creates and manages unforgettable concepts for promotional marketing prizes, staff and trade rewards, travel incentives and brand partnerships.


    Please click the image to open up the publication below in full and see some of our case studies

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    Some of the brands we've created prizes, rewards and incentives for, either directly or via their marketing agencies

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    The organisations we belong to

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    Prizes, rewards, dreams & incentives with a feel good factor.

    We help to connect brand to customer & employer to employee by creating meaningful bespoke, targeted prizes, incentives & rewards. Our vision is to help you create inspired ideas which help to make the world a better place.

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    Prizes & Winner Management

    With a feel good factor

    * Worldwide Travel * Meaningful Experiences * Sporting * Food * Retreats * Money Can't Buy * Standard Travel Packages * Vouchers * Products (consumer goods)


    Prizes are usually associated with brand giveaways in the form of competitions and prize draws. And when you've got it spot on, they'll provide a huge incentive for people to buy the product over and above another brand. Prize promotions create stand-out on shelf, online, in print and on air. Prizes can also be offered by businesses to their staff too, incentivising them to work more effectively, more efficiently. We also create brand partnerships - bringing two (or more) brands together to create mutual benefit and impact.


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    Rewards & Incentives

    Positive people are infectious and produce better results

    Reward and recognition programmes are often hosted on web platforms and apps which we help to fill with meaningful experiences and products. Utterly bespoke, utterly unique.


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    Dream Incentive Trips

    We'll create incredible, powerful global tailored programmes which align with your brand message and needs.

    We create unique brand and employee travel programmes worldwide that align with your mission, messages and needs.  What we'd really love is to make your trip meaningful as well as memorable.  Let's inspire people to deepen their wisdom, wonder, compassion and resilience and use the experiences we create to inspire what they bring to life, work, and relationships amidst the myriad of changes, challenges and opportunities of these turbulent and rapidly shifting times.


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    The Dream Machine

    Attracting & motivating exceptional talent is a game-changer

    As levels of engagement in the workplace have fallen spectacularly and are at their lowest ever, companies are facing a threat to their long term survival and their short term profits. No longer attracting and retaining the best people is a major issue. Our Dream Machine will help you to become a global leader in employee lifestyle design. It's a simple idea. We''ll give you a Dream Machine (this can be real or virtual) and when you hit target (you set whatever type of target you like), we'll pop a dream ball and make someones dream comes true. We believe that if you lead a business with your heart, it will be much stronger, profitable and happier. Ask us for details/a case study if you'd like to explore this simple, yet hugely powerful, idea.

  • PepsiCo Naked Powerful Smoothies Canada Adventure

    We have just arrived home from our wonderful Canada trip and just wanted to say a huge thank you. It all went so smoothly and was so well organised. We really couldn’t have wished for a better holiday. The boys loved it too! Kate Correal & Family


    Our blog contains thoughts, ideas, musings, and ruminations on topics

    including travel ideas, trends, offers and more



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    Justine Clement

    Owner, Founder & CEO

    Justine spent the last 15 years helping to set up prize and incentive specialist, Unmissable, and from 2007 became Managing Director. She has always been fascinated by experiences, what makes people feel most alive and what attracts them to certain dreams and ideas. She's been responsible for creating 1000's of bespoke experiences for pretty much every consumer brand you can think of (as well as a fair few B2Bs) and her little black book of insider contacts is testament to her passion for creating the unique. She's also passionate about ways to think and feel better and has spent the last few years also working on The Life Adventure, a wellbeing consultancy that's been busy helping the government and marketing agencies to improve the wellbeing of their people.



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    Jack Hubbard

    Non-Exec Director

    Jack has a bold approach to business, and to looking after the people he works with. He is the founder and CEO of award winning online marketing agency, Propellernet, whose corporate objectives are entirely focussed on enabling employees to achieve their dreams. The better the business performs, the more its employees are helped to embark upon adventures, to travel and to realise their ambitions. Jack knows that keeping people happy and fulfilled isn’t just a way to motivate hard work – it’s a worthwhile end in itself.



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    Myriam Crete O'Carroll


    Driven by positive transformation, Myriam is passionate about creativity and innovation as growth-drivers and catalysts for change. Myriam is inspired by innovators, social entrepreneurs and purpose-led organisations who act to make a difference in the world. Working at the crossroad of innovation, creativity and conscious leadership, she is a brand ambassador and a match-maker, naturally connecting people, ideas & businesses for greater impact.



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    Libby Christie


    Libby spent 10 fun-fuelled years also at prize and incentive specialist, Unmissable, as Head of Sales and Operations helping create a vibrant  and successful team. Currently she is committed to working with  individuals on a one-to-one basis aiding their development in becoming  happy people with a real sense of purpose.



  • Meaningful Experiences

    We create experiences to help you solve big business problems

    Click image to view in full

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  • Content we create

    Through our sister company The Life Adventure

    Click image to view in full

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  • Social Feed

    Industry insight, trends & all-round interestingstuff for you to read

  • Our business, social and environmental commitments

    We're very proud to say that after two years, we finally became B Corp certified in February 2020. This certification provides the platform and the foundations we seek to drive positive change in the prize, reward and incentive industry, as well as the travel industry as a whole. Our mission is to create powerful, meaningful experiences for brands that inspire, educate and connect people to themselves and their environment. We're also committed to donating to charities who are doing exceptional work. Here are two that are very close to our hearts. Learn more about their work and about B Corporations here.

  • Our Impact

    1. We switched to a green energy supplier in June 2018 and continue this into 2024. Our office energy now comes from 100% renewables.

    2. From 2017 and continuing into 2024 we pledged to buy all our office fruit & veg from a local community farm

    3. As an ongoing process we continue to educate ourselves on the science & impact of climate change and how we can limit the impact our company's activities on the planet.

    4. In 2019 we switched to banking with an ethical bank. In 2024 we still use this bank, but also bank with NatWest.

    5. From 2018 onwards we pledged to walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible to attend all our client meetings. This continues to be the case in 2024.

    6. From 2016 onwards we only purchase environmentally-friendly products for cleaning and using in our office. This continues into 2024 and is part of our everyday.

    7. The flights we offer our clients generate CO2, contributing to climate change, one of the biggest global challenges we face. Working with Climate and Development experts ClimateCare we are supporting projects that cut global carbon emissions and improve people’s lives. In 2024 we're also working with a local farmers carbon-capture project in Cornwall. More to follow on this.

    8. Our mission is to create meaningful experiences for brands that connect people to nature and themselves and teach them about ethics, purpose and passion.


    Send us a brief, ask us a question, ask our advice

    We'd love to hear from you - here are the best ways to get in touch

    Call Justine on +44 7714 333418



    To chat to us about a new brief

    call Justine on

    +44 (0)7714 333418


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    Click here to email us

    You'll find us online from 8am - 6pm Monday - Friday and sometimes at weekends and evenings too